The Centre


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Access to this system is for clients of Four Communications only.

By using this service you agree to the terms and conditions.

Terms & Conditions

By registering for The Centre (the site) you are agreeing to the following terms and conditions:

  1. Access to the site is for clients of Four Communications only. If you have any doubt about whether you or your organisation qualify for access, please request confirmation from
  2. All material within the centre, including images, documents, linked content and all text, are for sole use of Four Communications and its clients.
  3. Commercial use or reproduction for commercial ends of any material on the site is strictly prohibited. If you have any doubt about whether your intended use is valid, please request confirmation
  4. All content is copyright Four Communications, and/or under license from the clients that use this product, unless otherwise indicated. All rights reserved.
  5. Four Communications agrees not to share your details with any third parties, but will use the information to contact you with relevant information.
  6. You may unregister at any time through the site or, if access to the site is unavailable, by
  7. Four Communications is not responsible for any consequences of access to the site or use of materials within the site.